
Our work is based on the simple idea that our communities can face their challenges most effectively through cooperation. Whether we’re making our downtowns and neighborhoods attractive places to live and work, planning for seamless travel to regional destinations, creating a safe and healthy environment, or fostering the next generation of community leadership, we are at our strongest when we work across municipal borders to tackle shared goals.

The Suburbs Alliance brings cities together to identify these mutual interests and craft collaborative solutions. These solutions range from advocacy in Lansing to hands-on support of city hall staff, depending on the needs of our communities.

Our key programs:

Building Vibrant CitiesBuilding Vibrant Cities From streamlining redevelopment practices to innovative housing programs, we’re always working with cities to identify opportunities for growth. Our land use initiatives strengthen existing communities, seed lasting change and provide replicable models for other cities.


UniverCities1Engaging Future LeadersConnecting young people directly with local governments allows cities to draw upon fresh ideas, unique experiences and educational resources. Our programs engage young people in shaping the future of the cities they live in, making our cities more attractive to young people as well as to residents of all ages. 


rustbeltgreen_thumbnailTurning the Rust Belt Green: Saving energy can also save money, and for cities balancing a tight budget the latter is just as important. The Suburbs Alliance is a resource for elected officials and city staff members looking to help their cities take on green initiatives, and we design our energy projects with triple-bottom line sustainability in mind.


bus_thumbnailTransforming Metropolitan Mobility: The Suburbs Alliance is a leading force for regional transportation, working through a variety of initiatives to connect the great places of metro Detroit. From state-level advocacy to neighborhood engagement, we help communities work together toward a comprehensive regional transit system that works for everyone.



Anchoring a Neighborhood

The Suburbs Alliance is kicking off Green Anchors, an ambitious project that aims to transform residential neighborhoods across our region, one house and one person at a time.

Infrastructure investment: safer bridges or wider highways?

One of every nine bridges in Michigan is structurally deficient. Meanwhile, SEMCOG’s 2040 plan intends to use a large portion of its $40 billion budget to widen I-94 and I-75.

Energy Efficiency & Bond Ratings

Can investing in energy efficiency help your bond rating? An interview with Tony Lehmann, Finance Director for the City of Huntington Woods.




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